
We have all come together as a team to take care of you and your family. We are dedicated to our community and provide you with excellent expert care and exemplary services. We are proud and honored to have you as our patient. What ever your cardiology needs, we work together as a team to provide you the best state-of-the art technology and medical therapies with compassion and professionalism.

Doug Blank, MD, FACC

Advanced Heart Failure / Cardiology

“There is nothing more satisfying than watching the patients normalize their heart function.”

John Chambers, MD, FACC

Interventional Cardiology

“The health of my patients drives me each day, I strive to provide excellent service to them.”

Kendra Coonse, MD, FACC

Interventional Cardiology

“Truly caring for someone is about more than just fixing their cardiac disease. I take time to listen.”

Brett Hiendlmayr, MD, FACC

Advanced Structural Interventional Cardiology

“When I see a patient, I do my best to give them 100% of my focus and attention.”

Paul Gerlach, MD, FACC

Interventional Cardiology

“Dr Paul Gerlach comes from Memphis Tennessee, where he practiced as an Interventional and non-invasive Cardiologist.”

Pat Gorman

Pat Gorman, MD, FACC

Interventional Cardiology

“I try to allow patients to be a part in the decision making in relation to their care and treatment options.”

Katie Ryder, DO

General Cardiology

“The highest honor is not only caring for my patients but also their family members.”

Blake Wachter, MD, PhD, FACC

Advanced Heart Failure / Cardiology

“I am here to listen and find out what works for you. I enjoy tailoring your cardiac needs to suit your preferences and lifestyle.”

Jerry Walker, MD, FACC

General Cardiology

“I believe we have the ability to care for our heart in so many ways before we even step foot into the medical clinic.”

Stephanie Leonardson, FNP-C, CVNP-BC

“My aim is to assist patients with cardiac conditions regain and maintain an active and symptom free lifestyle.”

Rachel Petrus,

“I enjoy being able to assist with improving our patients’ quality of life…”

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